


Thu, Nov 21, 2019 | 1100 Words

Preamble Back in 2016 I had the idea for a silly joke cryptocurrency for my maniacal panther pal Snowy. I wanted to fork Bitcoin and then modify it so that all coins created would go to a single wallet controlled by Snowy and any transactions would result in the currency going to Snowy’s wallet as well. In essence: all money would be Snowy’s, as it should be. I left that in my ideas folder for about 3 years but finally decided to re-investigate the concept.

Gopher Maze Game

Thu, Jun 20, 2019 | 500 Words

TL;DR: Play my little game here for web users or at gopher:// for Gopher users. Gopher I’ve written some posts recently about the Gopher protocol and how I’ve been exploring and playing around with it a bit. I don’t know what attracts me to it so much, potentially just the simplicity of it, the relatively unknown nature of it across the modern web/dev crowd, or even just the desire to resuscitate a dead standard.

My Site On Gopher

Tue, May 21, 2019 | 400 Words

Having played around a bit with Gopher lately I decided to take the next step and try and create something more meaningful then test directories and dummy text files. My ultimate goal was to have this personal blog available via Gopher as well and I’m pretty confident that I achieved it. You can visit gopher:// and you’ll be able to browse my personal, dev, and ops blogs via the Gopher protocol.

Outpost 73 - Building A Game Without Code

Wed, Mar 27, 2019 | 1100 Words

For a few years now I’ve had a small project in mind. I wanted to make a game where you’re on a host computer and need to work out the story by navigating around the filesystem and using Linux applications. Finally this year I started experimenting with a story and came up with the first tiny and short demo for Outpost 73. You can play it in it’s current form via a web browser.

Twitter Text Adventure Bot

Tue, Jun 3, 2014 | 400 Words

Some while ago, I wrote the skeleton to a text adventure game that was played by Tweeting at and receiving responses from a Twitter bot. You can find the initial version on my GitHub. The idea was spawned by a friend and I quickly turned it into a working prototype, it was also a good chance to learn about web APIs (with JavaScript/Node.js in particular) and OAuth. It’s initial iteration worked, but was plagued by some major user experience issues.
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